Saturday, December 16, 2006

Kai Simonsen: 9/11 Eyewitness Report Cards, Installment V

Introduction – Kai Simonsen

First off, I want to apologize for promising in my last article that this article would include my "eyewitness" list. Due to the rate at which I’m unearthing information about these individuals, I’ve decided to keep this list close to my vest for the time being. Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ll understand why I’ve decided to keep these names under wraps until I’ve had the chance to do my diggin’ (I don’t want “breadcrumbs” disappearing from the web before I have the chance to find them).

Kai Simonsen is the FOX News "reporter" who was reportedly inside Chopper 5 at the time of the “second impact.” I downloaded the footage that mentions Kai from 911 Chronology - Source Material (approximate VRTs 21:25 and 23:20). I'm currently working on creating a multipurpose excerpt for YouTube, but for now, I guess you'll have to either go there yourself or take my word for it.

UPDATE: There is already a YouTube video in existence that includes FOX News tapping into Kai's feed. For some reason, the audio has been turned down the first time Kai comes on at 15:30 Video Run Time (VRT). This is not the case in the 9/11 Chronology video. Kai comes on again in the YouTube video at 17:25 VRT.

Analysis – The Kai Simonsen Interview

(Click photo to read interview)

Aside from the fact that this article contains countless spelling errors and some of the longest sentences I’ve ever read in my life, there are a couple of interesting things that Kai mentions.

First of all, he says that he had just landed in Caldwell, NJ when he received a text message about the “first impact.” Then he says that shortly thereafter, they took off again and headed for the towers. As the crow flies, it’s about 20 miles from Caldwell to the towers. Yet we can see from this video that Chopper 5 is barely moving as it films from several miles away. In fact, it is actually moving sideways faster than it is approaching the towers.

No matter what time they actually launched, this scenario doesn’t make any sense. If they launched only 5 minutes after the “first impact,” then it took them 13 minutes to travel approximately 13 miles. So why would they slow down from 60mph to less than 10mph (and not even toward the towers) while they were still several miles away?

Furthermore, who was controlling the zoom factor of the camera? And why would that person choose to zoom in when they did? Of course, the second question is moot, since we now know that the purpose of this zoom was to provide us with an unmistakable image of a “plane.”

Skipping over the absurd “sightseeing pilot” comment, I will make a note for later about the obviously false statement that he was “up there for a few hours.” His reference to a fellow FOX reporter who was “hiding inside one of the trucks,” is also noteworthy.

Analysis – Kai Drops Some Breadcrumbs?

After reading this interview, I moved on to the second page of Google results for Kai Simonsen. Dated December 19, 2001 – this is what I found (click on the image for the actual link):

Amazing, isn’t it? Everything you need to create your very own media hoax, all in one place! They even have a green screen! I wonder if this was the same studio that is currently for rent at 28 Warren Street.

After noticing that he had two posts in that forum, I dug up the second as well:

FYI, the link is dead, as is the second link (although the website is alive and well). Whether Kai feels he was in the clear at that point or whether he felt guilty and started dropping "breadcrumbs," I don’t know. If anyone cares to ask him, you might want to do it quickly, before he suddenly has an "accident" or a "heart attack."

I’m not sure whether that phone number is still valid, so you may want to try contacting him at his current company.

Even though the link is dead, I’m going to add that “kai005” page name to my notes.

UPDATE: I figured they might kill both of Kai's links associated with the screenshots above, so I saved them before I posted this article. Great thanks to Webfairy for allowing me to store them on her site.

First Kai Ad

Second Kai Ad

Analysis – Kai Hits the Streets?

Back in my Don Dahler installment, I pointed out how Rick Leventhal beckoned his crew to the intersection of Warren and Church. His exact words were “come over this way, Pat. (Five?), Bill - we can see the top of the building from here.”

According to this article (halfway down the page):

The FOX News truck, parked on Church Street between Duane and Reade, became a home-in-hell for the New York bureau, which was all-hands-on-deck for the cataclysm. Producers Carlos Van Meek, Kendall Gastelu, Ian Rafferty, Anne Woolsey and Katie Sargent teamed with shooters like Pat Butler, Don Collopy, Scott Wilder and Mike Fagan to ensure viewers saw the devastation in all its ghastly reality.

Aside from placing the truck 2 blocks north of its actual location (did they have 2 trucks?), who else besides Pat Butler could Rick Leventhal have been talking to? I don’t see a "Bill" on that list, and of course, there’s no “Five” either.

If someone held a gun to my head and made me guess, I’d say that “Bill” (maybe Phil?) is this guy, who they picked up sometime after WTC1 “collapsed:”

Here, we have yet another clear case of the media interviewing… the media. Of course, we later see this “eyewitness” handling cable and running up and down the street just prior to the second collapse.

If you kept the gun to my head and demanded that I guess who “Five” was, I’d have to guess it was Kai Simonsen. This guess would be based on the dead Kai005 link on, the fact that he was associated with Chopper 5, the fact that he mentions the truck that Pat Butler and Rick Leventhal were "hiding" in, and the assumption that there would have been no need for his “special talents” in the air after they got their “impact” shot (if he was even needed in the air at all).

The last time FOX News taps into Kai Simonsen’s feed on WNYW is at 9:12AM. Rick Leventhal is beckoning “Five” at 10:28AM.

What do you suppose Don Dahler/”Jim Friedl” would have said to Chopper 5 when he hailed it from his radio after they botched that shot? Does “I want to see you in my office,” or something to that effect sound logical? Landing Chopper 5 on one of the nearby rooftops (perhaps on a building covered in tarp?) is far more efficient than going back to Caldwell, New Jersey (if they really did launch from there).

Remember, this is pure speculation on account of the hypothetical gun to my head. I’m more than willing to hear alternative guesses as to who else “Five” may be.


I find it interesting that I was only able to find one story about Kai Simonsen's experiences with regard to 9/11. Given his vantage point, you’d think his name would be all over television and the internet immediately following 9/11. Instead, I can't find a single reference to him in any mainstream media article or story after 9/11.

Wikipedia lists Kai only as one of WNYW's “reporters.” However, if you read his bio at WNYW's website and take a look at his present and past businesses, you will quickly understand that he is much more than just a reporter.

Without taking the time to ask him, we can never be sure whether those forum posts were legitimate ads or whether he was trying to leave us clues intentionally. For instance, is he trying to tell us that Sundial Productions produced the CGI’s in all of these “amateur” videos?

Regardless of his intent, there is no doubt in my mind that Kai Simonsen played a key role in the media hoax aspect of 9/11.


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Anonymous said...

It makes sense. You think he'd be all over the news talking about being in the helicopter. Poor guy has probably been sworn to silence and if he does have a clue he was "in on it" he's got to fear for his life.

As I think about it, it seems like the WESCAM crew would have to be in on it... maybe they were told it was part of a training drill or something?

Hmmm. Seems like to make everything work smoothly they'd have to have a fair amount of insight into what happened. Maybe they bought him all that equipment and gave him a fancy place and a lot of cash... That guy should be very nervous right now. I'm having a hard time understanding how he could execute a media hoax AND be totally innocent. This is assuming, of course, that he's the right guy (which seems like the most plausible explanation.)


StillDiggin said...

There's a big difference between feeling guilty and being innocent. When Kai is "reporting" on WNYW, he is calmly helping to perpetuate the hoax.

I'll get a YouTube video out as soon as I can so everyone can hear what he says. To do that, I need to crop the split-screen feed from the 9/11 chronology-source video, fix the aspect ratio, and kill the left channel CNN-audio (this extends well beyond my A/V "comfort zone", so please be patient).

To be clear, I don't for one second believe that Kai is innocent. I just question whether he posted on those ads out of stupidity or guilt.

spooked said...

Hot damn-- great find. We have a serious PERP IN OUR SIGHTS!

spooked said...

His interview makes little sense-- it's full of contradictions. And what is this about reporters getting killed in the attacks? I never heard that before.

Anonymous said...

why not call or email Simonsen and *ask him* some hard questions? perhaps he'll reveal something...

Anonymous said...

Update... Update... Update!!!

I saw Kai yesterday and he was with Elvis!!

Anonymous said...

Hey "cia spook"-the elvis comments are sooo original, people who can't think for themselves tend to say things that have been said over and over again.

Anonymous said...

May 16 article about FBI man under second hit.

Why debate over the laws of Newton? Don't you have a friend, or a friend of a friend, or an uncle or aunt who is an engineer or someone who you know who knows an engineer who does "accident reconstructions?" They are gazillions in the phone book, and everyone knows someone who knows one. Why not show the plane "melting" through the steel to such an accident reconstructionist, and give them the readily accessible facts about the plane, the mph, the thickness of the steel, etc. and ask them for an informal opinion as to whether it is possible or probable for a plane to go through the steel without at least breaking off a wing, etc.?

Anonymous said...

bsregistration is too gutless to have the truth on 9/11 being pointed out to them youtube, as they blocked replies, so the following is my reply to them.

If you think both videos on the right are fake and you don't accept reality that they were taken on different angles.

You must have rather serious mental problems and a sick person especially when you are doing this at the expense of the people who died on 9/11.

But then again if this was fake, then why isn't every single plane crashes fake?

Like that small plane that crashed into a small New York Building in 2006?

Anonymous said...

aussiekwv....wars aren't started after every plane crash. In fact to this day, I do not believe any war has started from a plane crash.

Anonymous said...

Your a fucking idiot... Get a life

Anonymous said...

kai is the idiot, i feel sorry for anyone who has to work with him. once again he has set a new standard for scum. i hope his company gets audited or something, i'm sure he's into all kinds of crap. i'm suprised the helicopter provider hasn't sued the crap out of him for using their equipment for profit.

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where is Simonsen's audio interview? Can you re-post?

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After after the above troubleshooting steps, it is possible to fix printer problem in QuickBooks. However, if you are facing any trouble or otherwise not in a position to perform the troubleshooting steps on the own, avail our QuickBooks Customer Support Number available round the clock to solve any QuickBooks related issues instantly.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

You are able to cherish our above-mentioned beneficial services at most affordable price on just a call. Contact Your Best QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number Companion At QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Phone Number.

accountingwizards said...

The experts at our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number have the mandatory experience and expertise to cope with all issues related to the functionality for the QuickBooks Enterprise.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

development of your business in place of resolving errors in You should choose QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number to pay for your precious time and cash on your accounting software.

Jamess said...

QuickBooks has made payroll management quite definitely easier for accounting professionals. There are so many individuals who are giving positive feedback QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number

Jamess said...

Quickbooks Support For Errors Are you currently utilizing the software the first time? You can find some technical glitch. You will have errors also. Where can you turn? QuicksBooks Techical Support Number

HP Printer Support Number said...

HP Printer Problems and Troubleshooting Guide Amongst all the products launched by Hewlett Packard, it is their HP Printer Tech Support Number which are considered to be the best. Packed up with multi-function feature and used for various purposes,

JimGray said...

In this web site, we shall help you resolve the QuickBooks Error -111 into the easiest possible manner. You can easily make use of the Auto Data Recovery feature. That can be found in QuickBooks 2010 R12 and 2011 R6 edition of QuickBooks Premier and Pro versions. We advise users to not skip any of the steps and follow them step-by-step.

Jamess said...

This becomes one of many primary good reasons for poor cashflow management in lot of businesses. It's going to be the time for QuickBooks Support Number The traders can’t make money. But, we've been here to aid a forecast.

rdsraftaar said...

You might be always able to relate with us at our Intuit QuickBooks Help Telephone Number to extract the very best support services from our highly dedicated and supportive QuickBooks Support executives at any point of time as all of us is oftentimes prepared to work with you. Most of us is responsible and makes sure to deliver hundred percent assistance by working 24*7 to suit your needs. Go ahead and mail us at our quickbooks support email id whenever you are in need. You could reach us via call at our toll-free number.

accountingwizards said...

Advanced Financial Reports: an individual can surely get generate real-time basis advanced reports by using QuickBooks. If an individual is certainly not known of this feature, then, you can easily call our QuickBooks Support. They are going to surely provide you with the mandatory information for you.

accountingwizards said...

With QuickBooks Payroll Support Number it is possible to fill all the Federal forms by simply few clicks and send them to your appropriate federal agencies. QuickBooks payroll assisted, intuit files and pays the taxes for your requirements.

Mathew said...

You are getting this system into the legislative version. Storage is easy as well. The QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number software has tight security. Thus, all of your data are safe.

Blogsilly said...

The QuickBooks Payroll Support USA team at site name is held accountable for removing the errors that pop up in this desirable software. We look after not letting any issue can be purchased in in the middle of your work and trouble you in undergoing your tasks. A lot of us resolves all of the QuickBooks Payroll issue this type of a fashion that you will yourself feel that your issue is resolved without you wasting the full time involved with it. We take toll on every issue making use of our highly trained customer support

accountingwizards said...

In conclusion, don’t hesitate to call us on our QuickBooks Online Help Number. We have been surely here for you personally. In conclusion, any error, any problem, any bug or whatever else pertaining to QuickBooks related problem, just call our QuickBooks Support Phone Number. Surely, call our QuickBooks Support contact number

Quickbooks support said...

Thanks a lot for sharing the content. Really a nice blog and great kind of information is provided by you. We provide quickbooks support phone number +1-800-901-6679. Our customer care executives always provides you the best solution.

Quickbooks support said...

Thanks a lot for sharing the content. Really a nice blog and great kind of information is provided by you. We provide quickbooks pro support phone number +1-800-901-6679. Our support executives always provides you the best solution.

QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

QuickBooks Customer Tech Support Number truly works twenty-four hours every single day with only one element of mind for example. to correct the difficulties faced by our customers in a shorter time without compromising along with the quality of services.

xpert said...

Give a call at QuickBooks Payroll Support, if you're encountering any difficulties which can be mentioned previously. If you are facing virtually any problems with your QuickBooks, you'll be able to also make instant calls. Your queries are certain to get resolved with no delays.

kevin32 said...

The QuickBooks Support Phone Number executives may also provide remote assistance under servers which can be highly secured and diagnose the problem within a few minutes of the time period.

QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

Nice Blog It’s a really informative for all. Quickbooks accounting software is helpful for maintain client payroll taxes accounting problems. We are providing technical support in Quickbooks Desktop Support Phone Number. Our technical support team is 24*7 available so if you need any help. Please call us our Toll-free Number + 1-800-986-4607.

kevin32 said...

But, being a typical business person, working on professional accounting software, like QuickBooks Tech Support Number, is undoubtedly not always easy. Thus, users may need to face a range of issues and error messages while using the software.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

File corruption issue is a little tricky, however, you should overcome it for very long as per the 2nd instances: Role of QuickBooks Support Phone Number is significant adequate to raised identify, & quickly recover account management issues.

Dubai said...

Our Quickbooks enterprise support phone number +1(833)400-1001 come back to us many times. We keep all the data safe plus in secrecy. We're going to never share it with other people. Thus, it is probably almost every data. we have a method of deleting the ability which you have put immediately from our storage. Thus, there isn't any possibility of data getting violated. You have a number of software issues. The satisfaction may be top class with us. You can easily contact us in a number of ways. It is possible to travel to our website today. It's time to get the best help.

It is a well known fact that is doing something risky without getting completely prepared, and soon you are lucky. Same is true of in operation. Moving in a direction without being thoroughly prepared has its own repercussions. Quickbooks Enterprise Support telephone number is handled by a team this is always prepared to solve the absolute most complex errors. Quickbooks enterprise support number +1(833)400-1001 software accounting, QuickBooks. This software has most of the factors that can be taken care of to run a business.

QuickBooks are well known accounting software that encapsulates virtually every element of accounting, from comfort to business to type to a variety of preferable subscriptions. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number team deals with finding errors that will pop up united and bother your work. Their team works precisely and carefully to pull out the most possible errors and progresses on bringing them to the surface. They will have separate research, this team is certainly focused and wanting to work tirelessly in order to showcase their excellent technical skills to contribute to seamless flow of these customers' business.QuickBooks Enterprise has a list of advanced features of accounting and financial administration devices. A user can take as many benefits as feasible from QuickBooks. It is really easy to use. However in situation of any error, settle it immediately to avoid more stagnation of your workflow. Call our Advisors on Quickbooks enterprise support +1(833)400-1001 to resolve the issues early because further delay could cause significant damage.

Arrangement of Multi-user in QuickBooks Venture.
Advanced Inventory monitoring.
Update Business version.
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Setup, Un-installation, as well as Reinstallation of QuickBooks.
Reach United States for Assistance.

Dubai said...

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Click at link and download update drive of Canon form and call at number +1(808)999 9561 for instant support as if are you facing any issue in downloading the update driver.

steffan said...

QuickBooks users tend to be present in situations where they should face a number of the performance and some other errors as a result of various causes inside their computer system. If you'd like any help for QuickBooks errors from customer support to obtain the means to fix these errors and problems, it is simple to connection with QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number to get instant assistance with the guidance of our technical experts.

steffan said...

QuickBooks is available for users across the world because the best tool to offer creative and innovative features for business account management to small and medium-sized business organizations. If you’re encountering any type of QuickBooks’ related problem, you can get all that problems solved just by with the QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number.

QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

VAT for a transaction made through QuickBooks shall be instantly calculated and reflected upon your QuickBooks account, yet, if at any complication arises with calculating the VAT taxes; feel free to reach the to instantly solve the issues. QuickBooks Tech Phone Number is available 24/7 to provide much-needed integration related support.

QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

Whenever you purchase QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number, you get an email which contains information about your product number and license. In case, you are not able to access the information, follow these given steps. It is essential to have Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or its later versions on the desktop if you want to use QuickBooks Desktop Enterprise. In case, you do not have it on your system, you can download it from the official website of Microsoft.

QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

The QuickBooks Support Phone Number is available 24/7 to provide much-needed integration related support and to promptly make use of QuickBooks Premier with other Microsoft Office software packages.The Premier support is provided by technicians who are trained from time to time to meet up with any kind of queries related to integrating QuickBooks Premier with Microsoft Office related software.

Jamess said...

we now have a tendency to rank our customers over something and that we make an effort to offer you a swish accounting and management expertise. you’ll additionally visit our web site to induce to understand additional concerning our code and its own upgrades. you’ll scan in-depth articles concerning most of the errors and additionally the best way to resolve them. Rectifying errors desires in-depth information about the system and its intricacies. Our internet site may be a go-to supply for everything connected with QuickBooks Support Phone Number.

rdsraftaar said...

Our team is comprised of highly trained, dedicated and experienced tech support executives that take their work seriously and rely on providing their hundred percent services with their customers. We concentrate on providing top notch QuickBooks Support in order for our customer always hangs up with a grin. All of us works 24*7 to suffice the needs of our customers so we make ourselves always offered to them even as we know very well what it needs to abandon any crisis.

QuickBooks Payroll Support said...

QuickBooks Online Remote Support is providing you to technical support for QuickBooks with the help of remote tools such as gotoassist, sreenconnect, supremo,logmein etc. These tools help us to connect with your system to find out root cause of QuickBooks Issues. Online QuickBooks Tech Support team is professional in their works. You can read our satisfied customer reviews for your satisfaction and you can also create your own reviews regarding experience with Online QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number.

daniel said...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number
+1-888-422-3444.Quickbooks Customer support serving a number of users daily, quite possible you will hand up or have to wait for long time to connect with the Help Desk team .

Bryan Willson said...

Besides calling, the next favorite selection for customers in search of help is via QuickBooks Desktop Support Number. If you were to think these records is inaccurate or know of other ways to contact QuickBooks please tell us therefore we can share along with other customers. And you may follow this link should you want to compare all the email address we've gathered for QuickBooks.

Jamess said...

QuickBooks Enterprise Support Services offered at are made to provide you with tech assistance par excellence for just about any glitches or hiccups you may possibly possibly run into during working with your QuickBooks Enterprise. And also to offer these types of services on a round-the-clock basis to everyone QB Enterprise users, we now have QuickBooks Enterprise Support contact number toll-free in position, to supply all QB Enterprise users excellent support for most their glitches and address all of their issues in a jiffy.

James077 said...

Our instantly QuickBooks Support Number team is perfect in taking down every QuickBooks error. We could assure you this with an assurance. Call our QuickBooks Support telephone number. Our QuickBooks Support team will attend you.

Blogsilly said...

Quickbooks Support Telephone Number
QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Canada Support Phone Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

jameswill11 said...

QB Full Service Payroll services included all the feature you needed to set up you company payroll system , Customer no need to do anything , QB Payroll system efficient to manage all the tasks easily and friendly way.Call the QuickBooks Payroll Technical Support Number to get the answers of all your questions.

Mathew said...

Make contact with our independent AccountWizy Intuit QuickBooks Support Number to get the best advice from our united states of america based Certified ProAdvisors to be able to fix business or accounting queries as well as Quickbooks Errors quickly.

kevin32 said...

Make contact with our independent AccountWizy Quickbooks customer care to get the best advice from our United States based Certified ProAdvisors so that you can fix business or accounting queries along with Quickbooks Errors quickly. Our 3rd party independent AccountWizy Quickbooks support phone number and our QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number experts are 24/7 active to provide you with Quickbooks customer support for the products.

tom wick said...

Manage all your valuable financial requirements on your own fingertips with QuickBooks enterprise. Maintain your accounts, payroll, inventory and more in an organized way. The QuickBooks Customer Service Number is toll-free and also the professional technicians handling your support call will come up with an immediate solution that may permanently solve the glitches. Get loaded with some of the most brilliant accounting features such as for example creating a company plan, easy remote access, inventory tracking and much more.

Bryan Willson said...

The QuickBooks Tech Support Number could also be used to get rid of the questions you have pertaining to using various top features of this remarkable product from QuickBooks.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

When you would you like to contact the group then easily dial our toll-free wide range of QuickBooks Technical Support Number and acquire one stop solution for the problems and grow your business.

Blogsilly said...

We have a team of professionals that have extensive QB expertise and knowledge on how to tailor this software to any industry. Having performed many QB data conversions and other QB engagements, we have the experience that you can rely on. To get our help, just dial the QuickBooks Desktop Support Number to receive consultation or order our services. We will help you streamline and simplify the accounting, reporting and tracking so that managing your company’s finances would be much easier. Also, we guarantee to maintain anonymity and high level of security while handling issues related to QB software use. Our QuickBooks customer service is available to you at any time. Get in touch with us by using a phone number or email indicated on the Quickbooks Support site. We will be happy to assist you with any question about QuickBooks you might have.

quickbboks tech support phone number +1(855)-236-7529 said...

QuickBooks is a reliable and trustworthy accounting software but occasionally you may face some error in this software wherein your system crashes, freezes or stops working. At times when you come across QuickBooks Error 3371 Status Code -11118 dial our toll-free number +1-855-236-7529 and procure reliable solutions.
Read more:

Anonymous said...

QuickBooks is a vast storehouse of many advantages and uncommon features. However, QuickBooks Error H202, H303, H404, H505 are some of these common technical errors that might occur in random situations. This error is all about technical problems in the multi-user mode, while sharing company files over a network. For More Visit:

Anonymous said...

Our team at Phone Number For QuickBooks Payroll Support 1(800)674-9538 are responsible for addressing customer needs and ensures that they get the fastest solutions for their queries. For More Visit:

qb enterprise support number said...

Hey, your blogs are always readable and provide appropriate sufficient information. You are right about the subject. Keep writing in the future. Well, do you know about the use of QuickBooks in managing businesses? You can save your time with its help. So, download QuickBooks and ask the experts about procedures. Discuss your doubts at QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1-888-238-7409. Visit us: -

qb enterprise support number said...

Hey, this is an excellent piece of information. Thanks for it and wish you further success. I hope your efforts are consistent. I wonder your working with QuickBooks might be fine. If you are suffering any technical issues such as the QuickBooks Enterprise Error H202, then directly consult the 24*7 tech support team. Dial the toll-free Helpline Number 1-888-238-7409 for assistance. Visit us: -

qb enterprise support number said...

Call at 1-888-238-7409 to get prominent fix of QuickBooks Error H505 from experts. our technical support team is available 24x7 to help you. Visit us: -

usman said...

We are the specialized customer team for QuickBooks. Dial QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 800-417-3165 to report malfunctioning in the software. Read more- 7 visit us-

qb enterprise support number said...

Call at 1-888-238-7409 to get prominent fix of QuickBooks Error Code 15212 from professionals. Our technical support team is available 24x7 to assist you.Visit us: -

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848. Using this vast and efficient software sometimes can prove to be hectic and confusing. This accounting software is vulnerable to several technical bugs and errors.visit us:-

paloma said...

This content is really very good. Your content writing skill is very good and impressive. I really wait for your post. In case you are a QuickBooks software user then QuickBooks phone number for support +1 833-222-6943 is the best way to get technical help and support for the software. They have a very nice team who provides technical support for QuickBooks in a professional way.

jim carter said...

This where in fact the QuickBooks Support Phone Number comes into play. Once you obtain in touch with all the QuickBooks Support team, our expert technicians provides you with the technical assistance that you want to get rid of whatever problems that could be bogging your system down.

Mathew said...

QuickBooks is accounting software, which will be a cloud-based application produced by Inuit Inc. As a matter of fact, the program happens to be developed with the intention of keeping a safe record of financial needs for the business. Additionally, it really is a user-friendly accounting software; very easy to maintain; assisting the business to keep the records of financial transactions, and QuickBooks Support Phone Number has many other things features.

steffan said...

The QuickBooks Technical Support Number could also be used to eliminate your questions associated with using various highlights of this remarkable product from QuickBooks.

steffan said...

It is simple to avail the receipt by simply engaging the camera to the receipts scanner also it automatically gets put in the expenses.To allow the aforementioned along with other features, go ahead and reach our QuickBooks Support Phone Number to get instant assistance through the pro-advisors.

Arthur morgan said...

QuickBooks Customer Care Telephone Number: Readily Available For every QuickBooks Version.Consist of a beautiful bunch of accounting versions, viz.,QuickBooks Pro, QuickBooks Premier, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks POS, QuickBooks Mac, QuickBooks Windows, and QuickBooks Payroll, QuickBooks has grown to become a dependable accounting software that one may tailor depending on your industry prerequisite. As well as it, our Intuit QuickBooks Support will bring in dedicated and diligent back-end helps for you for in case you find any inconveniences in operating any of these versions.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is more daunting to figure out QuickBooks errors. In all those times when you feel stuck with your QuickBooks software seek support from our professionals at QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number 1(800)674-9538. For More Visit:

Blogsilly said...

Quickbooks Support Telephone Number
QuickBooks has completely transformed the way people used to operate their business earlier. To get familiar with it, you should welcome this positive change.Supervisors at QuickBooks Toll-free Support Number have trained all of their executives to combat the issues in this software. Utilizing the introduction of modern tools and approaches to QuickBooks, you can test new techniques to carry out various business activities. Basically, this has automated several tasks that have been being done manually for a long time. There are lots of versions of QuickBooks and each one has a unique features.

Anonymous said...

QuickBooks has acquired an important place in the professional lives of many businessmen. The QuickBooks users can call QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 800-674-9538 in case they face any technical abnormality and inconvenience while using the application. For More Visit:

Anonymous said...

QuickBooks occupies an important part of many businesses in the entrepreneurial stages. The team at QuickBooks Support Phone Number For Mac +1 800-674-9538 provides instant relief to its customers while in troublesome technical situations. For More Visit: For More Visit:


Hey, I have read your blog and will say that you have written a very detailed and accurate blog. Thumbs up for your blogging skill. Recently, I have started using QuickBooks as my money managing software. I recommend you to give it a try. If you face any difficulty in using it, call on QuickBooks Support Phone Number +1-844-200-2627. For more information visit our website: QuickBooks Contact Number


I must say that your blog is very inspiring and breath-taking. After reading your blog, I have gained sufficient knowledge about the topic of concern. If you are facing difficulty in managing your accounts, I would recommend you to use QuickBooks accounting software. You can also get 24X7 support on QuickBooks Helpline Number +1-844-200-2627.For more information visit our website: QuickBooks Payroll PS038

qb enterprise support number said...

Hey, your blog has great balance for all the technical and non-technical aspects of the topic. Thumbs up for your blogging skill. You can simplify your work by using QuickBooks POS software. It provides great inventory management at an affordable price. You can also solve your queries on QuickBooks POS Support Phone Number +1-888-238-7409. Visit us: -

qb enterprise support number said...

Wow, what an engaging content! I would like to appreciate you for this piece of information. I would like to get more content crafted by you. Are you a self-employed person or involved in the business? Use QuickBooks for assistance and contact the experts at QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number +1-888-238-7409. Visit us: -

Anonymous said...

QuickBooks Enterprise has been an advanced version of QuickBooks that handles multiple work at one time in an organisation. Our support team at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1(888)238-7409 assist you with the best of support services. For More Visit:

Anonymous said...

QuickBooks software is user friendly and most overwhelming software used by all small business and groups. however, there can be a situation when you come across various kinds of QuickBooks related queries then in that case dial our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number 1(800)674-9538 where our technicians will help you to get rid of issues. For More Visit:

Tech Customer Support Number said...

I was just wandering through multiple webpages, where I came through your blog post. The blend of superb writing and accurate information is enough to seek anybody’s attention. To give more focus on your time, you can download QuickBooks as it helps the user to perform their accounting and bookkeeping tasks at their fingertips. It has various products that help you in managing your work. You can know more about its working and installation process by calling our QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833-228-2822. Thus, if you come across any sorts of technical and non-technical errors don’t hesitate to call our experts at our toll-free number +1 833-228-2822 and procure feasible solutions every time.
Read More: QuickBooks Support Phone Number

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

This article highlights the common reasons that result in QuickBooks Error 6000 and also describes the best ways to resolve the error without affecting the smooth functioning of your Quickbooks Payroll Support Phone Number1-833-441-8848

Tech Customer Support Number said...

Amazing Post Man, Too good!
While going through your wonderful Post, I was able to connect it well with my problem. You have explained the concept in layman language that is well understood and the facts you have presented are very authentic. I personally admire your writing style. To manage your time more efficiently in your business, QuickBooks accounting software is the most prominent solution. While working on the application, you face some errors; one such is QuickBooks Error H505. Thus, to fix QuickBooks Error H505 you can contact QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833-228-2822 and avail prominent solutions from our QuickBooks Experts.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I must say that you have written an excellent blog. I wish you a successful carrier ahead. If you are using QuickBooks payroll, you might have encountered QuickBooks error 12007. It is an update/installation error. To get solution for error 12007, call on QuickBooks Customer Service Phone Number +1-800-329-0391. They have a highly experienced team at very affordable prices.

Read More: QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number

Anonymous said...

QuickBooks is an extensive platform with severe features with reinforced implementation and speedy accomplishment of important tasks. The users can report concerns like the QuickBooks Payroll Error 30159 and others to executives. For More Visit:

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Hi! Wonderful Post. Thank you so much for this lovely post. Could you please post some more blogs on the same topic? Looking forward to your positive response. If you are using QuickBooks software then you must be aware of the bad bugs of this software. One such error is QuickBooks Error 80070057. You can get solutions for this error at QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848.

QuickBooks Support Phone Number said...

Thank you for this appealing post! Your post is awesome and a reader’s delight. The authentic information and the way you have presented is out of the box. QuickBooks Payroll is a world-class accounting software that has humungous users all across the world. Thus, if you come across any technical and non-technical errors while using this software, contact QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848 for prolific solutions.

Tech Customer Support Number said...

Let me add some valuable information to this post. For anybody having any QuickBooks related technical concerns, one can directly talk to the experts QuickBooks Helpline Number +1 833-228-2822. The queries will be welcomed by the professionals. After a research and study, the expected solutions will be provided.
Read More: QuickBooks Error H505

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